Pembroke Castle is most famous for being the birthplace of Henry VII, the founder of the Tudor Dynasty, and Britain's only welsh King.
Henry VII was King of England between 1485 – 1509. The first Tudor monarch, he came to the throne when he defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth, bringing the Wars of the Roses to an end. He was succeeded by his second son, Henry VIII.

Henry VII was born in Pembroke Castle on 28th January 1457, in a tower overlooking Westgate. In 1447, the ownership of the castle had reverted to the crown under the rule of King Henry VI. Henry VI had two half-brothers from his mother, Catherine de Valois' second marriage to Owain Tudur, Jasper and Edmund. In 1454, the King transferred the castle and earldom of Pembroke to Jasper.
When Edmund died in 1456, Jasper took in his widowed and pregnant wife, Margaret Beaufort, who was only 12-14 years old at the time. She gave birth to a son, Harri Tudur, who would later become Henry VII.
The 13th-century tower claimed to be the birthplace of Henry VII in the castle was a guard chamber making up part of the Outer Ward's outer wall. Known today as Henry VII Tower, it houses an information video about the life of Jasper Tudor on its ground floor, a tableau depicting the birth of Henry VII on its first floor, and a vaulted room on its third floor is now used for wedding ceremonies and other functions.